  Life the easy way

Life the easy way

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Contact Us

These pages build confidence in the visitor's mind that you really do 'exist' and that they are dealing with a 'genuine' person or business as opposed to an anonymous web site.

This is particularly important if you are attempting to make sales, or capture e-mail addresses. The format can be very simple as below, or might include a photograph, audio sample, or even a video - building the relationship with the visitor.

Maps and directions can also be useful if you have a physical presence you wish to point out.

Contact Name: Your Name
Contact Telephone: 123-456-7890
Address: My Office
The Street
The City
The County


Tip: You may wish to consider using the 'e-mail cloaking' script (right-click, and select Widget Wizard.) This stops 'spam robots' from harvesting your email addresses from the site, whilst still allowing genuine customers to contact you.

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc blandit ultricies ante in auctor. Nunc varius placerat velit quis tempor."

- John Farrar, UK -